The much awaited pod taxi is now going to be in reality for the Delhiites. The Rs. 4000 crore project is going to be started in some parts of Delhi. The project scheme is also known as Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) – it is one of the dream projects of the Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari. The NHAI has been mandated to execute it on Delhi – Gurgaon pilot corridor of 12.3 km, which is expected to start from Delhi – Haryana border and will end at Rajiv Chowk at Gurgaon, on a PPP (public private partnership) basis.
Bothered by Delays
The long – waited project has been plagued by delays as the Niti Aayog has raised red flags, it has asked the Highways Ministry to direct initial bidders to prepare a 1 km pilot stretch as all the technologies were unproven.
About : Pod Taxi
- Pods can carry upto 5 passengers at a time, and are fully automatic, driverless and travel independently over an overhead network which is usually about 5 – 10 metres above the ground.
- Pods are equipped with military grade wireless technology and sensors, which are monitored at a command base and on the ground for extra security and safety.
- The pods and the network are not affected by adverse weather conditions.
- They can move along dense crowded and congested roads and localities.
- The pod network saves fuel, cost of transportation and pollution.