There has been a 25% jump in the power theft cases registered this year compared to 2016, data shared by Delhi Police reveal. Till July, a total of 1,453 power theft cases were reported from the city compared to 1,153 cases registered during same period last year. Experts say power thefts are rampant in areas such as Najafgarh, Jaffarpur, Mundka, Karawal Nagar, Seelampur, Mandawali, Chandni Mahal, Nand Nagari, Turkman Gate, Yamuna Vihar and Daryaganj, Dallupura, Old Seelampur, Khichripur, Shastri Park, Baljeet Nagar, Sabhapur village, Badarpur, Burari, Jahangirpuri, Wazirabad, Shaheen Bagh and Geeta Colony. In fact, in these areas, the AT & C losses still range between 25% and 50%.